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Arundhati Roy’s heartfelt message to Drik on recent mass uprising

Indian author and activist Arundhati Roy, renowned for her Booker Prize-winning novel “The God of Small Things”, has shared a heartfelt message for the team at Drik.
Roy, who is also known for her strong stance on human rights and environmental issues, expressed her thoughts in a message that was publicly shared by celebrated photojournalist Shahidul Alam on his official Facebook page.
Alam, who captured the accompanying photograph of Roy, posted the message with the caption: “From Arundhati Roy to Drik Team: Been thinking of all of you. I didn’t write earlier because I thought you must be inundated. A revolution. My goodness. So wonderful. I hope it doesn’t slip out of control. All my love.”
Earlier in January 2019, Alam was arrested and detained for over 100 days for his outspoken criticism of the former AL-led Bangladeshi government on social media. During his imprisonment, Roy wrote to him, offering her support. Upon his release, Alam responded to Roy through an open letter published in The Guardian.
